
Bloor Homes are pleased to bring forward our initial plans for up to 250 new homes, as well as a community hub, creating sustainable places for both people and nature.

Concept masterplan (click to enlarge)


The site

The site provides a suitable opportunity for residential growth in Fair Oak, bordering existing residential and office space developments in a well-connected sustainable settlement.

At just a short walk or cycle from the existing Fair Oak village centre, a new development will have access to a range of facilities and infrastructure that is already in place. The site location also benefits from local bus services and is near both Eastleigh and Hedge End railway stations.

Click to enlarge

New homes

The proposed homes will feature a range of types and tenures, including affordable homes. These will be built to low carbon standards, and provide a wealth of choices to find the right home for you. The development will comprise of housing of a high-quality architectural character, complementing the setting of the listed farm buildings neighbouring the site.

Community Facilities

A potential community hub has been proposed at the entrance of the site, the uses of which could include EV charging, small scale retail, commercial, or community space. This is intended to serve the current residents of Fair Oak as well as the new development, so we are keen to gather local views to inform whether it is needed and its use.


Green space is a priority for the new development, and a large proportion of the site would be made up of publicly accessible open spaces.

Planting new woodlands to exist alongside current mature trees, the creation of a network of green corridors, nature trails and community gardens will cultivate a nature-led scheme. Bloor is committed to achieving a biodiversity net gain through the introduction of attenuation features, wildflower planting, natural play areas and landscaped areas.

The masterplan is being designed to sensitively respond to the edge of settlement location, maximising green, open space and reflecting the character of the surrounding area.

Highways, access and parking

The proposed development would be designed to meet Eastleigh Borough Council’s standards, including width of roads and number of parking spaces.

Safe walking and cycling routes would be prioritised over vehicles to encourage sustainable movement.